“The Virgin Pulse program is at the core of [our] strategy, incorporating incentives, screening tools, fitness trackers, and challenges into one comprehensive program.”

Success stories: How Virgin Pulse Reduces Healthcare Costs

Many business are faced with rising healthcare costs driven by a multitude of illnesses, which, in turn, increases the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. 

Virgin Pulse’s suite of award-winning technology solutions keep your employees and your business healthy. Our clients have safer work environments with reduced injuries, absenteeism and workers' compensation and/or disability costs - resulting in critical business outcomes that directly impacts organizations' bottom lines. 

Download this collection of case studies to discover:

  • How Virgin Pulse partnered with 3 clients to achieve a reduction in their health care costs.
  • Why daily engagement on a wellbeing platform is crucial to it's success.
  • Increased positive individual and business performance metrics using Virgin Pulse.