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2021 HR Leader & Health Perceptions Survey

Focus on these areas to empower your people to meet their health & wellbeing goals.

Nearly 4 in 10 employees say their employer does not currently offer programs to support and improve their wellbeing.1

It's time for employers to set up to the plate to ensure their people feel reassured and supported when facing future uncertainties. But how? 

Discover how you can design your health and wellness program to align with the needs of your population to track progress and eliminate barriers to entry.

In this infographic you'll learn:

  • Key insights from a survey of 990 US adults on their perceptions of their current health & the actions needed to improve their health.
  • The top employee needs your wellbeing program must address to cultivate an engaged, happy, and healthy workforce.
  • The role of a comprehensive health and wellbeing solution in eliminating barriers & improving health outcomes.

1. Metlife 2021 Employee Benefit Trends

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