Virgin Pulse's Homebase for Health supports ACEC Life/Health Trust's member-centric approach

We try to always be very forward-thinking and love that about Virgin Pulse; they are on the cutting edge.
Lindsay Simon

ACEC Life/Health Trust - Virgin Pulse Client

Virgin Pulse is how we can support our designed wellness program with all of the engineering firms we serve nationwide. We wouldn't be able to do that without Virgin Pulse's unified platform.
Lindsay Simone

ACEC Life/Health Trust - Virgin Pulse Client

Virgin Pulse's Homebase for Health supports ACEC Life/Health Trust's member-centric approach

Wellness is not just a buzz word. It is something we all do, and it's very apparent in the onsite screenings, the wellness Wednesday webinars, and the unified Virgin Pulse platform. Wellness has a face and supports people with their needs at the right time. For ACEC Life/Health Trust, it is all about supporting the member, not only the health of the employees they serve but also all of their families. 

How Virgin Pulse helps future-proof 

ACEC Life/Health Trust's heath and wellbeing team always wants to be forward-thinking, and they love that Virgin Pulse can help them get to where they want to be. Lindsay and her team work with engineers doing amazing projects, bringing the latest and greatest technology to the masses, so to be able to do the same and contribute to the employees and their families is great. Through Virgin Pulse's latest developments, from acquisitions to the latest technology and capabilities, Lindsay's team leverages Virgin Pulse to continue moving innovation forward and support its design wellness program that serves engineers nationwide. Lindsay indicated that they would not be able to do this without a unified platform, continuing to future-proof their wellbeing investment.

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