
The Fast Lane to the First Fill

How to Drive Medication Adherence from the Start

Prescribed medications won’t work if they aren't taken, let alone left on the shelf

1 in every 2 members with a chronic condition is currently skipping their medication or not refilling it at all, and roughly 20-30% of members never complete their first fill.

Stats like these are alarming for your members' health, and they can negatively impact your business’s bottom line and quality scores.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Fill out the form to get your copy of our eBook, The Fast Lane to the First Fill, and learn:

  • The state of medication adherence in the United States
  • What barriers are preventing members from being adherent, and how to remove them
  • 4 strategies you can use to drive medication adherence from the first rill and refills to follow

Get the eBook!