According to the CDC, 75% of adults do not get enough physical activity. Low physical activity comes with high health and financial costs. $117B of annual healthcare costs are related to low physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, several cancers, and obesity.
Join us in this webinar replay to learn how organizations can encourage employees to stay active for improved focus and productivity.
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A simple bio or more information about the webinar speaker. No more than 5 sentences are recommended. A simple bio or more information about the webinar speaker. No more than 5 sentences are recommended. A simple bio or more information about the webinar speaker. No more than 5 sentences are recommended. A simple bio or more information about the webinar speaker. No more than 5 sentences are recommended. A simple bio or more information about the webinar speaker. No more than 5 sentences are recommended.