Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11.53.00 AM
Why New Journey Updates? 
Members have let us know they love Journeys! But they wanted the process to be more intuitive. This release we are delivering three updates you asked for:
  • Journeys now offer video content!

  • Members can be notified if a Journey is going to be removed from the platform.

  • Members can now provide feedback on a specific Journey that gets shared back to Personify Health via a new survey allowing us to more effectively track the impact Journeys are having on members.

Retiring Journeys

  • Content ops users in Gen Admin can schedule a Journey to be sunset 30+ days in advance


  • When the sunset timeframe (“unpublish date”) is within 30 days, the Journey displays a warning label to members who have it in progress or have previously completed a Journey of its impending retirement


  • For all other members, the Journey is removed from Journey library and cannot be started
Retiring Journey

Videos in Journey Steps

  • YouTube & Vimeo videos are now available to be embedded within custom or standard Journey steps
  • Personify Health-hosted Brightcove videos can be used within standard Journeys



Videos in Journey Asset

Journey Completion Survey

  • After completing a Journey, members will have the option to answer a 3-question multiple choice survey


  • Survey questions are not configurable, and apply to both custom and standard Journeys


  • Results of surveys can only be made available to clients by request

Additional Resources

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