4 tips for making remote onboarding inclusive

How to Build and Maintain a Strong Remote Culture Starting Day One

An inclusive onboarding experience centered on social belonging is critical for employee experience and retention.

To help, People teams must rethink how to incorporate inclusive practices and introduce new, valuable habits into day one and beyond.

Why inclusion matters more than ever:

The Great Resignation, Great Reshuffle, the War on Talent, call it what you want, but we are experiencing a monumental shift in employee expectations. Remote employee onboarding is when your employee value proposition (EVP) comes to life for new hires. Your EVP is made up of the unique benefits your company offers its employees. An EVP isn’t just about compensation – it should include belonging, social connection, reward and recognition programs, community initiatives and healthy habits you practice in your organization. By integrating your EVP to be human-centric, not location-centric, remote onboarding is your opportunity to demonstrate your inclusive team norms. 

In this tip sheet, you will find fresh ideas to activate change, including:

  • How to ask for people’s needs, acknowledge them, and tailor actions to create an environment of belonging 
  • Why building space for diversity and social connections is good for business 
  • Tips for explaining company culture and how work gets done  
  • How to leverage your wellbeing program to create an inclusive culture starting day one 

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