Webinar Replay

Managers in the Middle: Minimize Risk and Build Workplace Resilience

Manager burnout is only getting worse and, with an 18% higher risk of burnout compared to individual contributors, organizations need to do more to identify and support these leaders through times of stress.

In this session, you'll hear from Alanna Fincke, Resilience Expert and Board-Certified Health Coach, meQuilibrium (meQ) and Joseph Capellano, Senior Director, Strategic Solutions, Ecosystem, Virgin Pulse, as they discuss:

  • How to identify signs of distress - learn what behaviors can be a signal that a team member needs support

  • How to manage stress with emotion control - this is the foundation of resilience and managing stress - use the Trap it, Map it, Zap it technique

  • Creating an unshakeable self-care habit - you simply cannot pour from an empty cup - ID your "non-negotiables"

  • How to build confidence and become "change ready" - moving from "threat state" to "challenge state" and build change confidence

  • Connecting to a purpose - tapping your why and moving yourself up the scale of connection

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