Mental Wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing at Your Organization

Taking care of your employees goes far beyond protecting their physical health. Building and protecting mental wellbeing in the workplace helps both your employees and your business.

Webinar: Managing Mental Health During COVID-19 and Beyond

COVID-19 has been a source of heightened stress around the world. Unfortunately, long-term stress can contribute to mental illness if not managed effectively.

Watch this webinar replay for an expert medical Q&A discussion where Dr. David Batman and Dr. Gary Smithson answer questions related to mental health, including how to support employee mental wellbeing while working from home.

Dr. Batman and Dr. Smithson Image-2

Administrator Mental Wellbeing Resources


Mental Health At Work

This ebook offers information on:

  • The link between workplace stress and mental health
  • How mental illness impacts performance
  • How mental health conditions vary around the world
  • 3-step actionable plan to guide employers on how to help

Difficult Times

Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos explains in this tipsheet the indelible relationship of mental health on overall wellbeing and resilience. Read the tipsheet to understand

  • How exercise, nutrition, and sleep can boost your mood
  • how a wellbeing platform can connect a disparate workforce
  • How mindfulness can enhance emotional resilience
Tools to cope

Mental Wellbeing and COVID-19

Focusing on mental wellbeing has a huge impact on your employees and their success. Learn:

  • Advice to help employees avoid feeling isolated and lonely.
  • Healthy habits to offer employees when routine and balance is upended.
  • Strategies to help employees find focus while working from home.
Stressed businesswoman sitting in front of computer in the office

Stress Toolkit

Stress can bring an an employee's passion, productivity, and drive to a halt. Understanding what tools your team can use to promote mental health and wellbeing will help strengthen your culture and your organization.

Learn how to help your employees improve their mental wellbeing by reducing stress and building resilience.

Mental Wellbeing Resources For Employees

Ready-to-use employee resources from our featured partners