Psychological Safety at Work Toolkit

The foundation of high-performing teams

Without it, employees are less likely to speak up, ask questions, or propose innovative solutions. Yet only about one-quarter of employees in a Workhuman survey reported feeling psychologically safe at work.

Does your company take proactive steps to promote psychological safety in the workplace? If not, you may be missing opportunities to engage with your employees and outperform your competition. We created this toolkit to help you get ahead.

The rise of burnout and how to tackle it

Burned out employees are 23% more likely to end up in the emergency room.¹ Burnout costs billions annually in healthcare costs, turnover, productivity, and more. How can we solve these issues? We created this light paper with actions to take now, and none more important than building psychological safety at work.


the rise of burnout light paper mockup

Ask the right questions

Safety, according to Maslow's hierarchy, is a basic human need. To support high-performing teams, creating psychologically safe work environments is critical. This is beyond only basic human decency, but employee retention.

So what does it mean and how to do it? Listen to Dr. David Batman, Virgin Pulse Science Advisory Board as he breaks it down for audience.

Mental health: Stop Solving, Start LEADing

Over the last few years, we saw an incredible evolution of destigmatizing mental health in the workplace, but there is still a lot to be done.

Audit, tax and consulting firm, RSM, and Virgin Pulse Science Advisory Board and mental health expert, Dr. David Batman, discuss how you can support your employees’ and their families’ mental health through leadership buy-in, encouraged open conversations, and more.

💡 A beginner’s guide to psychosocial safety in the workplace

5 actions employers can take to support their workforce

Health benefits of psychological safety at work

Voluntary turnover costs U.S. businesses a trillion dollars a year, and that was in 2019. Even greater today. In contrast, companies that engineer high psychological safety experience many benefits. Leading companies—GoogleGartner and Microsoft—have already identified psychological safety as the key element to unlocking team potential.

Accenture research shows that when employees are net better off, they are 5 times more likely to experience increased performance at work. And when performance is high, innovation follows.


reduction in turnover


more engagement


more productivity


less stress


more life satisfaction


workers more likely to collaborate


higher probability that workers will apply a newly learned skill on the job

Sources: Gartner Research, The Missing Element in Nearly Every Learning Strategy; Gallup, State of the American Workforce Report; Zak, Paul J., “The Neuroscience of Trust,” Harvard Business Review, January 2017

Steps to create psychological safety at work:

How wellbeing supports psychological safety at work

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