Quick Read

Putting employee wellbeing objectives before metrics 

Measuring Engagement is a Million-Dollar Question for HR Professionals.

susan-davidMost HR leaders ask themselves, “which metrics should I be examining to better understand engagement in my organization?” According to Dr. Susan David, an award-winning Harvard Medical School Psychologist, this question is often premature, and while it’s tempting to turn to metrics, HR strategists should take an additional step backwards.

If we can help our people to engage, and bring their best to work, then we can increase productivity, reduce turnover, mitigate burnout, and drive over-arching company and culture goals.

In this Quick Read you'll learn:

  • How to breakdown the topic of Engagement and relate it back to the individual level
  • What putting "objectives before metrics" really looks like
  • How focusing on metrics can often lead to a transactional view of engagement

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