Thrive Logo. 2022

Thrive Summit 2022 Replay

Science of Mental Health: Practicing Happiness in the Workplace


In this replay, you'll learn:

  • What biological markers and hormones affect happiness, and how some people are born happy
  • How Virgin Pulse clients Allstate and Equinix leverage whole-person wellbeing through digital, live events and services, coaching, employee resource groups, wellness champions, and Virgin Pulse partners to impact health, wellbeing, productivity, and mental health of their diverse workforces
  • Real stories of how companies use wellbeing to reduce the stigma around mental health and support their populations
  • How listening and actioning on employee feedback drives business results

The Science of Mental Health: Practicing Happiness in the Workplace infographic download >

Thrive Speakers:

Kaiti, Bekki, Kenji - cropped

  • Kaiti Buehring, Good Life Senior Consultant, HR, Allstate. 
  • Bekki Early, Global Wellbeing Program Manager, Equinix. 
  • Kenji Saito, Medical Leader of North America and Global Wellness, Proctor & Gamble
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Want to learn more about how Virgin Pulse clients impact mental health with wellbeing? Schedule a demo.

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