VP Client Blog

5 Tips for a Successful Custom Challenge

Written by Virgin Pulse | April 2, 2021

With all the step challenge options available in Virgin Pulse's Challenge Library, you might wonder which one is the best for your organization. But why choose, when you can create a custom challenge that is culturally designed specifically for your employees?

A step challenge is an immersive virtual experience where members get the opportunity to compete against colleagues and friends for bragging rights and if applicable, rewards. Building off of this foundation is the option to create a custom challenge which gives you total control over its content.

A custom step challenge is a great way to increase platform engagement and participation in your next company step challenge! We put together the biggest opportunities to ensure your custom challenge is a success -- all tips apply to a custom stage or destination challenge.

1. Choosing a Theme that Connects with Your Employees

The challenge should be universally relevant and resonate with your employees. One way to land on a theme for your challenge is to involve members in the process through a custom engagement survey administered through the platform admin portal. A survey will engage members from the start and create a connection that motivates them to go beyond recording steps for points once the challenge is live. Some theme options to consider for your survey include the history of your company, or highlights from different company locations and the people that work there!

Visit the Client Resource Center to see how to set up an engagement survey (password: VirginPulseCRC!).

Hint: Seek help from other departments that can contribute themes, ideas and content! During a time when all parts of an organization are working together in support of employee wellbeing, your colleagues may have an idea that can help create a cohesive story about a company initiative. 

2. Building Fun Content That is Immersive

Each milestone, whether a destination or a stage, should contain content that excites the member about reaching it and continuing onto the next one. Each step unlocked during the challenge can communicate a story of why your organization is encouraging members to achieve the challenge goal.

3. Scheduling Your Custom Step Challenge

Give your custom challenge the spotlight it deserves! Select a time of year that you are not competing with other Human Resource initiatives, like open enrollment.

If it’s during colder months, consider our step conversion tool which allows members to self-enter workout minutes from among 60+ activities. The tool converts it into steps based on the amount of energy expended during the activity.

4. Help Spread the Word and Garner Interest

When forming teams, encourage leadership to be the team captains. Employees that see leadership actively involved in the challenge helps encourage participation! Make sure to use your Wellbeing Champions to help promote the challenge as well. Champions are well connected with your employees and possess the knowledge and resources to help make your challenge a success!

Also, the platform is filled with opportunities to communicate. Take advantage of the announcement card feature or the calendar feature - details on the Virgin Pulse Client Resource Center (Password: VirginPulseCRC!)

5. Boost Engagement Along the Way

Reward members for using the chat feature throughout the challenge.* This gesture is a positive reinforcement that encourages members to share their progress, and cheer on others.

Also provide support and tips to members! For example, remind participants to check that they have their devices connected to the platform and are syncing on a daily basis to keep their team's stats up to date. In case you need help with this part, share the many ways participants can engage with our member services team if they have questions and need support.

*Rewarding for chat feature participation must be enabled for your game and is available on the Engage platform only.


Ready to create a company custom challenge?

Work with your Client Success team to plan and schedule your next challenge!