VP Client Blog

The Key to Weight Loss May Lie in Unexpected Places

Written by Virgin Pulse | October 6, 2020

Taking care of mental and emotional health goes hand-in-hand with physical health, but the connection is easily overlooked at times. One of our Coaches, Mike shares a story of why employing Virgin Pulse's whole person approach to health is so important:

I work with a member who was struggling to lose weight for years. She said she had tried everything---counting calories, making better choices, exercising more—but the weight never came off and sometimes she felt she actually gained more. As we began talking more, she shared that in her past, she had been in a traumatic car accident and realized she was carrying around a great deal of trauma and stress. We talked about how stress on the mind directly impacts stress on the body. We set small steps for her to start seeking therapy and making efforts to manage her stress through yoga and making time for self-care each day. Over time, she was slowly able to manage making other lifestyle changes like improving her nutrition to improve her mindset, mental wellbeing and gut health. After almost a year she finally started losing weight and has lost 25 pounds! She says she feels lighter than she ever has before—mentally and physically—and she’s able to enjoy each day.“

Virgin Pulse Coaches offer effective, empowering, person-to-person support whether telephonic or onsite. Our coaches are skilled at exploring all facets of a member's physical health and mental wellbeing to:

  • Identify the root cause of challenges
  • Help members develop their inner wisdom
  • Transform their wellbeing and health goals into action
  • Ultimately achieve their long-term goals

VP Live Coaching provides total population lifestyle optimization to improve clinical outcomes, reduce costs associated with chronic conditions, slow, and at times reverse, the progression of chronic conditions, and provide localized support to drive lifestyle behavior change. Members access coaching resources directly through their app and once paired with a coach, they identify their goals for a thriving life and work together to progress toward their vision and achieve their targeted outcomes.

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