VP+ Demo Day
Attendee FAQs

Check out all the attendee questions submitted during our VP+ Demo Day for more information on the below:

More information about VP+

  1. What is VP+? VP+ is a select group of partners from Virgin Pulse’s best-in-class partner ecosystem that can be bundled together into one product, with pre-built integrations, contracted through Virgin Pulse, at a substantially discounted rate.   
  2. Where can we find more information on VP+ partners? You can find more information about the value and benefits of our VP+ partners here on our website or you can reach out to your Virgin Pulse account management team.  
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Physical activity and wellbeing partner questions

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  1. Does the gym network include reduced monthly costs or does it waive the initiation fee? That is something Aaptiv can chat with you about offline as it depends on what the clients goals are for their employees.  
  2. What is the gym buy-up in terms of time frame? Per month or annually? Aaptiv can do monthly or annually.  
  3. If we have Aaptiv with VP+, do we have to add the gym membership as an add-on? Yes, the gym membership is an add-on. The VP+ program is digital only so if employers want to offer the gym membership to employees, employees would opt-in.  
  4. Is the gym buy up available now? The gym membership buy-up is available July 1st, 2023.  
  5. Is the gym buy up paid direct or via payroll deduction? This would need to be discussed on a case by case basis.   
  6. Does the gym fitness network mean that participants can access these gyms in-person for free? Participants can access if they have paid for that tier of access – please refer to the recording for plan options or talk to your Virgin Pulse account management team.  
  7. Does Aaptiv sync with any wearables? Aaptiv syncs with Apple and Android phones. We will have compatibility with all of the leading kinds of wearable devices in the future. We can currently support heart rate monitors.  
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  1. Can you award VP points based on completion of a challenge on Sworkit? Yes, we do it with a couple of our current clients. It's a great way to ensure extra motivation.  
  2. Can we white label this offering? Yes, there is an opportunity to white label so the client’s logo is apparent. We’d be happy to discuss options. All marketing materials will be cobranded and communications via the app can be cobranded as well. We will work with our clients to discuss how to incorporate this into the user experience.  
  3. Is closed captioning available for your classes and/or videos? Closed captioning is available for our nutrition content. Everything is already translated into different languages and you will be able to see what workouts are coming up with written descriptions of each.  
  4. Can you describe the nutrition content? Is it cooking demos, recipes, nutrition education/webinars? The nutrition content includes 3-5 minute videos to help educate the members on making healthier choices whether that’s healthy options on a budget, nutrition for chronic conditions, children’s nutrition, or working towards nutrition goals.  
  5. How does the mindfulness compare to other mindfulness based programs? Sworkit mindfulness content focuses mostly on those daily moments with 5-15 minute meditations.  
  6. Does Sworkit have VP challenges in the mental health and nutrition categories? Currently, Sworkit has them in the mindfulness category which recommends specific meditations within that collection.  
  7. Are there guided walking sessions/workouts? Are there guided sleep sessions? There are guided sleep sessions but no guided walking workout sessions yet.  
  8. What devices are compatible with Sworkit? Sworkit can sync with Apple Health, Google Fit, FitBit, Strava, MyFitnessPal, Apple watches and OS Android Samsung watches.  

Mental health partner questions

Koa Health-1
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  1. How often is new content added? We are adding new content every month and reviewing existing content through a QA process every month to ensure programs that have the most relevant and appropriate content.  
  2. What are Koa Health’s global capabilities? Koa Health supports 6 languages with clients currently in 6 countries. The app is also available in more than 100 countries.  
  3. What is the most popular type of support Koa Health provides? Burnout is the #1 topic that is highest demand. Mindfulness and meditation are always popular with users. The last most popular program would be the parenting program which is a huge stressor for users.  
meQ-black-cmyk@3x (1)
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  1. Can you briefly explain what the user experience with meQ looks like? What is it that employees are getting/seeing/doing? When a user joins meQ, they take an assessment that only takes a few minutes which generates a very insightful profile about the user. This profile unpacks what the individual’s risks and biggest opportunities are for improvement such as sleep, stress, and eating habits. The member also receives a personalized journey of skills, activities, and recommendations that are helping to build those skills over time. There are also manager insights where the managers can see how their teams are doing and how managers can help support. 
  2. How do you measure the 29% reduction in turnover? We have measured up to 29% reduction in turnover by doing. A matched case analysis with our customers based on meQ users and non-users. We have a robust data science capability and can share more research and details on how our ROI si measured by our Chief Science Officer.  
  3. What percentage of employees regularly use meQ each month? How much does that percentage change over time (ex. 12 months)? We have really strong engagement – typically over 50% per month. We have a peer-reviewed scientific paper on this that meQ is happy to share. Even after a few years of our clients being with us, we still see about 30% of the populations engaged – it’s a very sticky program.  
  4. What are meQ’s global capabilities? meQ supports 14 different languges and has users in over 130 countries and growing.  
rethink care logo
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  1. Is RethinkCare able to help direct employees to other company resources such as EAP? Yes, we have a direct deep link into EAP which can be easily access through Virgin Pulse through an icon that will direct right to EAP.  
  2. Does RethinkCare offer any aggregate data? Around watched sessions or topics discussed with BCBAs? We have a client success team that will partner with our clients to meet with them either on a monthly or quarterly basis to share anonymized and aggregated data specific to their users. This can show the total number of users month over month, which courses they are engaging with the most, topics discussed, and more. This gives a clear line of sight into the challenges their employee populations are facing without disclosing any personal identifying information.  
  3. What are the RethinkCare solutions that are offered within the VP+ bundle? We have varying tiers that are included within the bundle although all 3 programs are included. We are more than happy to discuss on a one-on-one basis on what the best fit would be.  
  4. What types of clients do you support? We span a wide range of industries with more than 30% of the Fortune 100 and a number of the big tech and largest online retailer. We have clients with employee sizes of a couple hundred to 1.5 million employees. We find greater interest from industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, and higher education.  
  5. How big is the group of experts and what are their backgrounds? What is their turnover rate? We have close to 20 clinicians and always looking to grow. We have not had any turnover in our BCBA team in approx. 5 years. There is also an opportunity in the platform for users to view the biographies of each BCBA to ensure they’re being matched with the best fit for their situation and family.  
  6. What are the typical outcomes you see with a user? Our program causes a ripple effect meaning it doesn’t just impact the individual user but the entire family. What we have seen in terms of outcomes is that families are reporting improved wellbeing for everyone in their household after starting to use RethinkCare. We are also able to gauge higher retention and engagement in employees as well as lower attrition rates. From the organizational level, we can tap into a previously unrecognized and underutilized talent pool of neurodiverse individuals by delivering training to the organization to help them identify potentially outdated processes that are inadvertently weeding out neurodiverse individuals.  
  7. How many consult hours do members have access to? Typically consult hours are given in blocks of 8 or 12 based on clients needs. It’s important to note if an individual parent is out of hours, our team will never turn them away.  
  8. Are languages translated or is the audio also in a different language? A little bit of both – some of the content is already translated and some will have subtitles.  
  9. Do you have an aspect of the platform or program that is the biggest value program? The availability of our BCBAs is a huge value. These are on staff clincians and the reason this is such a big value add or differentiator is because parents typically wait 9-12 months to see a professional and in that time, the child is still having challenges. Having a team of support at their fingertips can truly empower the parents to be a more active part of the child’s caregiving team rather than feeling helpless while waiting months for the next therapy appointment.  
  10. What are your global capabilities? We currently operate in over 120 countries. The platform itself is available in 11 languages and we are continuing to add languages. We also offer translation services so all of our live consultations can be translated into over 180 languages in real-time.

Condition management partner questions

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  1. If someone doesn’t have a smart phone, does Kaia provide a device? If there is a need to provide a device such as a phone, we will work with the client to find out what that need is and provide them. We want to members to have access to care. Our program also does not require a motion sensor device.  
  2. Is the 6-week program comprehensive for the whole body or does the user get 6 weeks per body part? It is typically per body part – we respond to the whole body being in alignment but we typically do it as we’re adjusting a joint. If someone comes in with lower back pain, they would have a 6 week program that would be focused on that body part. If there are multiple issues, we try to find out what the primary source of pain is and what is secondary. Our goal is always to focus on the primary source of pain which is identified in the assessment but it also means we can start to tackle the secondary source of pain as well.  
  3. Can everyone use Kaia or is there an evaluation a use must go through to see if they qualify for the program? The Kaia Gateway is an assessment that someone will go through in order to determine where they are both in terms of their physical pain and what other aspects are going on in their life. Whether your pre-surgery or post-surgery, this assessment helps determine a risk score which will then help guide whether it’s best for the member to go into the digital program. If it’s the digital program, the PT will set up a more comprehensive assessment to determine the best next steps in terms of treatment.  
  4. How does Kaia compare to other MSK programs? We are one of the only programs that does not require a motion sensor device. We use motion analysis technology that allows us to do a full body assessment and create a baseline for which we then suggest exercises. We are also one of the only programs with the highest level of validation.  
  5. Within Kaia’s plan on an individual level, is there an escalation plan in place if pain/issues are not resolved in a certain amount of time? If the coaches ever see self-reported pain scores start to go up, the coach and Doctor of Physical Therapy are flagged and will intervene to find out what’s going on. A member can also set up time with the coach or PT at any time if something doesn’t feel right.  
  6. Will your coach identify if the member needs hands-on adjustment and if so, how is the handoff done? The Health Coach or the DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) will be able to identify if the member needs hands-on-adjustment. If the determination is made that a hands-on-adjustment needs to be completed the Health Coach will make a warm transfer into the care ecosystem that is determined by the employer (a center of excellence as an example). 
More Health
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  1. What are the wait times and what is considered standard? Within 24 hours of someone initiating their second opinion through the platform, a case management teammate will reach out to that patient and explain the process, gather their HIPAA form, and that's when the clock starts. Once all the medical records are received, the physician will deliver the expert medical opinion within 5 days or less.  
  2. What are MORE Health’s global capabilities? We support patients across 6 continents (outside of sanctioned countries) and support 20 languages, including 129 languages with translation capabilities.  
  3. What does the member experience look like? Once the employer has MORE Health through Virgin Pulse as a benefit, the member will simply initiate the need for our services and our team will verify the information. A physician will then reach out within 5 business days or less.  
  4. What are some of MORE Health’s outcomes and results? It varies for each organization because everyone gets MORE Health for different reasons - whether it's providing patient advocacy or trying to look for unique ways to provide cost containment for their health care spending and medical costs. For example, there was a cancer claim that was $5.4 million so getting a expert second opinion at such a low cost to the employer can really make an impact on their health care costs and medical budget.  
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  1. Where do you get your cost information for specific drugs? We have an internal P and T Committee that leverages all of the sources of publicly available price information today. Part of our proprietary system is able to derive costs based on the claims and PBM data that we're getting from the PBM and refreshing those almost daily. 
  2. Do the prescribers tend to push back on Rx Savings Solutions recommendations? To make a recommendation to a member, we are taking in the members formulary into account. For us to surface that recommendation to a member, it must align with the members plan design and formulary to make sure we are not counteracting the goals that your plan design has in place. We typically have about 85-90% physician approvals rates so it's rare for us to have a physician that would push back on a recommendation we are making because they are very clinically sound before we ever put them in front of. a member. We tend to find a positive response from prescribers as we are taking this off their plate and they don't have to be the expert to know every cost and plan design for each member. When prescribing a medication, they want the member to be able to take it and afford it.  
  3. Are there typically different side effects between generic medications that treat the same conditions? If so, are those communicated somehow? Our pharmacist will make a note as to why we are making the recommendation to switch including side effects, profile images of the medication, and more. At any time, a member is welcome to call our pharmacy concierge team and get a live consult with a pharmacist or pharmacy technician to answer any questions about the difference in medications. To put a suggestion into our system requires a rigorous clinical review where we use the exact same guideline recommendations that prescribing physicians would look at to be able to make those recommendations.  
  4. Do you have any limits or parameters built in to ensure members are not being switched back and forth to different meds or having med switches recommended repeatedly? It is important to keep in mind that any medication changes are completely optional and up to the member to pursue. RxSS is simply just providing transparency into the benefit to show all costs/options for the member. It is extremely rare for members to switch back and forth as the RxSS switch back rate is about ~1%. If members are not interested in receiving any alerts on their medication, they have the option to mute the alert and RxSS does not notify them about the savings on that med in the future. 

Family benefits partner questions

cariloop logo
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  1. Would the services received be the same if we enrolled in coverage directly with Cariloop vs. if it were via Virgin Pulse? The Cariloop program is the same; however, when signing up for Cariloop through VP+, clients receive pre-built integrations, contracting through Virgin Pulse and a substantially discounted rate.   
  2. Is there a direct-to-consumer model?  
  3. Can “mom or dad” speak directly with the coach if they are able? (Ex: regarding Medicare) Yes, the coach is not just for the member who signs up for the program but the person being cared for as well and other family members. Our care team is available to support all of the individuals on the journey.  
  4. What is the most common use case for Cariloop? The most common use cases right now are navigating the Medicare and Medicaid space and helping with aging parents. The other biggest area is finding the right child care.  
  5. Does a member keep the same care team/coach throughout the entire journey? Yes, that is foundational to our model, our success, and our customer satisfaction scores. The way that our coaching team is structured, they are actually in loops. We have an algorithm that runs while you fill out the intake form so we understand who they member is caring for and what the situation is. We match the individual with a coach who has those specific skills and expertise in whatever that situation might be.  
  6. Are you able to tie an increase in productivity back to using Cariloop? Yes, on average we save the member 73 hours in productivity which is significant. We're also broadening how we're looking at ROI, not just productivity but how we are saving HR time, how are we saving dollars from a health perspective, etc. We can do a deeper dive into those outcomes as a follow up. 
Ovia Health (300x400)-1
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  1. Does Ovia offer a diverse population of support? Yes, the majority of our care team is diverse in population. About 80% of the care team is diverse with Hispanic, Asian Pacific, as well as Black care team members to help with member journeys.  
  2. Is Ovia available to family members of employees, like spouses and dependents? Yes, Ovia is available for spouses and dependents ages 18 and up. 
  3. What do your treatments look like for families going through infertility? We have a couple different options - we have access to current health plans so we'll navigate that for the member to see what fertility options they have available to them and if there are any gaps. Depending on what they are trying to achieve, whether it's IVF or IUI, we're going to find the best method for them and connect them to a specific in-network fertility specialist and help navigate them every step of the way. We are actually working on additional fertility solutions that will be launching in Q1 of 2024 which includes reimbursement options as well as specific in-network fertility specialists that you'll be guided to as a member.  
  4. Do members have access to nurses or doctors for clinical questions? Our coaches have a variety of clinical backgrounds including nurses, midwives, doulas, doctors, pediatricians, nutrition specialists, sleep consultants and more. Depending on what the question is, we will help route it to the appropriate health professional.  
  5. What outcomes are most important for an employer to track or gain from a platform or solution like Ovia? Right now, we are seeing high infertility claim costs going through for IVF or IUI which are not cheap.  Fertility treatments have really exploded in the last 5 years so our approach is to provide the education and guidance to find out what the root cause of the reproductive issue is so we can help members understand what the best course of action will be. Another big item is maternity care overall - gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, etc.- there are so many complications that can happen with pregnancy which are also high claim costs so we are here to help make sure the member has the resources and tools they need to practice self-advocacy and understand the risks of pregnancy so they can have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. 
sleepfit logo
SleepWellBaby logo-1
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  1. What are the most common sleep disorders? It really depends on the workforce but the most common are obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia. If you have shift workers, you’ll probably have more insomnia and if your demographic is more administrative, you’ll likely see more obstructive sleep apnea.  
  2. What is the average engagement with Sleepfit? This varies but for some employees, they’ll do the initial assessment and identify that they have a high risk for a sleep disorder and will go straight into a treatment pathway. We may not see them moving to the sleep improvement program at all. For others, they might use it for 6-12 months and get into the sleep tracking, goal setting, goal tracking, and library of content. It really depends on the employees needs.  
  3. Is Sleepfit available for global populations? Yes, we are a global organization. We have already translated into a number of languages and provide Sleepfit to users in about 70 countries.  
  4. Do clients need Sleepfit to access SleepWellBaby? No, they do not as they are two separate services. If you’ve just had a baby and your biggest issue is sleep, SleepWellBaby will be a better resource.  
  5. Is there an age of children that SleepWellBaby is targeted? Yes, SleepWellBaby is designed for children 0-3 years and the content does change based on the age of the child. Most parents are in the 0-6 month phase because that is when they are having the most challenges with sleep. It is also clinically validated to help them understand what their child is trying to tell them.  

Lifestyle partner questions

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  1. Does the portal save employee’s financial data and link financial accounts to help with budgeting? We are purely an educational resource we don’t have the ability for users to sign into their accounts to track spending and budget. Those apps typically don’t provide the level of education that we provide.  
  2. What differences are there for the OUS population? Do you have translations and localized content? Yes, within the VP+ bundle, there is the option to select different countries which will remove all of the US specific content from the portal. If you want to add an additional layer of translation or additional localized content, that would be the Enrich program out side of the VP+ bundle. This is still through Virgin Pulse but a more condensed optimized version. If anyone is interested in seeing our extended international capabilities, we are happy to give an individual demo.  
  3. Does Enrich offer financial coaching session? We do have the ability to offer live coaching which typically is with a direct specific site for a client and is not part of the VP+ offering. We do have live chat so if there are questions about student loans for example, we can use that live chat to direct them where they need to go for support.  
  4. What are your monthly challenges like? The monthly challenges are just one of the tools we use as an engagement option. Typically challenges are like taking courses, financial wellness checkups, etc. They are about 2-3 minute learning experience and aligned with whatever the overall wellness theme is which is different for each month.  
  5. Is there a specific industry that drives the most engagement or are you seeing engagement across all industries? We can see insights in the aggregated reporting of what stressors people are feeling such as spending around the holidays, the cost of energy in different countries, etc. Inflation, student loans, and digital currencies are also some of the trends we can see people reading and focusing on.  
  6. What are some of the trends that you’re seeing content wise and what are people gravitating towards?  
EX Program (300x400)-1
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  1. Do you use medication along with coaching? Does the carrier provide meds or does Ex Program? Within the VP+ offering, we do not offer nicotine replacement therapy but it is an opportunity as a buy up option. We use the gum, patch, and mini lozenge. If it is available through the carrier, our coaches will be made aware of it and redirect members to go through the carrier. 
  2. How much does quitting smoking save a former smoker? There is a calculator we can send to anyone who is interested but the savings have been reported to be as high as a down payment on a house depending on where you are in the country and how much you smoke. 
  3. What is the quit rate when using Ex Program? With clients who use Ex Program best practices, we see the quit rate as high as 55%.  
  4. Does Ex Program provide support groups? Are they in the moment support? Our community is a 24/7 element of the program. There are a lot of manufacturing clients who we see a lot of usage from this program, even in the middle of the night. The text message element is optional but a great way for on demand support.  
  5. What is the financial impact of smoking and vaping on organizations? There was a study published around 2016 called the Berman study and they attribute about $6,000 per year per smoker to an organization that is comprised of a little over $2,000 health care claims and roughly $4,000 in absenteeism and presentism in actual impact on someone’s work when they’re at work.  
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  1. What is included in the NutriQuiz and how is the information used? The NutriQuiz is a combination between a health risk assessment and a food frequency questionnaire so it asks about the frequency of consumption of certain foods and nutrition categories, any current or past medical history, different lab values, food insecurity, activity level, and more. The questionnaire puts all of this information together to give the individual results that they can review on their own or with a registered dietician.  There is then a meal plan created for the individual based on the responses from the quiz. We are able to capture improvement in weight, improvement in nutrition, changes with their different labs, blood pressure, etc.  
  2. How do you address and prioritize food and mental health sensitivities? We focus on food and mental health sensitivities on a patient-by-patient basis. We want to be able to get to the root of whatever the person is struggling with. For example, if someone has a disordered eating pattern, we may want to start with non-food based goals and may also be able to make a referral if we know that there are additional services that the person should be engaging in. Everyone’s food journey is so different – what they need to learn and grow and to feel supported requires that we make each journey personalized for each patient.