
Quick Read

Financial Stress: It's Impacting More Than Your Employees

Are your employees overwhelmed by money worries?

Did you know two-thirds of employees are stressed about their finances?1 While there's more to life than money, the fear and stress of financial worries can have a major effect on your employees' mental and physical health.

Weight gain, depression and sleep deprivation are just a few of the ways financial stress can harm your workforce. In this quick read, you'll learn why a financial wellness solution is an essential part of your employee benefits package that supports your workforce's holistic wellbeing.

Get your copy to learn:
  • How financial stress negatively impacts the physical health of your workforce.
  • Why 43% of workers who are struggling with their mental health cite financial concerns as a major contributing factor.
  • How a lack of financial wellness support in the workplace can increase healthcare costs by 19.4%.

1. Employee Benefit Advisor

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