Prelaunch Toolkit

Leadership Messaging

Leadership messages are a powerful endorsement for your wellbeing program. Here, you'll find sample emails and a video script to help your leaders introduce the program and encourage employees to join.

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Email Template

Messages from leaders help build trust in the wellbeing program and prepare employees for what is coming. Use this email template to introduce Virgin Pulse, announce the launch date, and encourage employees to participate. Customize this template to suit your company's voice, culture, values and brand.

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Video Script

Leadership videos are a powerful way to introduce a new wellbeing program. Adapt this video script to promote key benefits of your program and why you're excited to launch it at your organization. 

Who is Virgin Pulse?

Share your pride in partnering with a health and wellbeing company that reaches more than 150 million members across the world. Whether you're looking for a sentence or a paragraph, you'll find descriptions of Virgin Pulse and the benefits that will be available when your program launches. 

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