Coworkers at meeting

Returning to the Workplace During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Take action today. Plan for tomorrow. Thrive through changing workforce situations.
Learn how a culture of wellbeing drives engagement and productivity, no matter where your employees are, and will help them build new habits for a safe re-entry into a shared workplace.

Build a Culture of Wellbeing

Work has changed for the unforeseeable future. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in a coronavirus-world has exhausted every individual in deeply personal and countless ways. 

More than ever before, it is critical that your employees feel like you care about them. This cannot be a superficial value or a one-liner in your mission statement. Now is the time to double down on a culture of wellbeing. Employees must have the tools to make safety, health and wellbeing intuitive and part of their daily routine to help them perform their best – in all aspects of their lives. And business leaders must live it and breathe it. 

Access these resources to learn how you can build a world-class culture that can evolve with this new coronavirus world and be prepared to thrive through future disruptions.

Cultivate Trust & Engagement

Motivating employees to care about their work and apply the discretionary effort required to build a competitive advantage for your organisation will not come easy in this season of COVID-19.

People's energy is being directed in so many directions. Between adjusting to ever-changing social restrictions and public health guidelines, the fear of sickness for oneself or loved ones, the 24-hour news cycle and social media, caring and educating children at home, concerns about the economy and personal finances – work might be the last thing on their minds. 

But, there is an opportunity here. Research shows that employees are looking to their employers more than ever for trusted information and guidance. 

Access these resources for insights on how you can communicate with and mobilise your people to make each employee's purpose in the organisation and success clear and achievable.

Increase Motivation & Productivity

While your employees' have so many competing priorities during this pandemic, how do you motivate them to achieve the goals necessary to help your organisation fulfill its mission? Simple: Organisations succeed when employees thrive; it's an uncomplicated relationship.

If your people aren't well, they won't be engaged. If they're not engaged, they likely won't be productive; And if your people aren't productive, then you can expect business outcomes will suffer. By supporting your employees' most fundamental needs to improve and maintain their health and wellbeing, you're directly influencing their ability to achieve their performance goals – and your ability to move the needle on your company's bottom line. 

Access these resources to learn more about the connection between wellbeing, productivity and business outcomes and learn simple changes that will make a big impact on employee performance. 

Connect a Dispersed Workforce

Some of your employees are returning to the workplace, some will continue to work from home, and other essential workers never left to begin with. Their ability to maintain a social connection with their colleagues and collaborate effectively is mission-critical for your organisation through COVID-19.

Research shows that close social connections at work make employees seven times more likely to be engaged in their jobs, provide excellent customer experience, produce higher quality work and experience safety incidents. Fueled by so much more than conference calls and email, these bonds are all about common goals and experiences. No matter your nationality, location, or language, there’s one thing we can all agree on: Good health is precious. By engaging your employees in their wellbeing every day you can build a universal culture that unites employees and drives performance.

Access these resources to learn how to connect your dispersed workforce with the right tools and communication strategy, built on a culture of wellbeing.